Monday, October 22, 2012

The God Debate

I realized, when I first moved to Oklahoma, that the "bible belt" may very well be the death of my social filter. My first experience with one of "them" was when I was getting my hair cut. The young, attractive cosmetologist was cutting away while we spoke about the good things I have found in the month I had been here. I had made a few friends, who were female. I was personally very excited about this because I had considerably more male friends back home, and needed more female exposure.

She stopped dead in her tracks.

And in her obnoxious southern accent, said "Well, y'all better be careful now. Homosexuality is rampant 'round here."

Shocked by the comment, I politely nodded and quickly changed the subject. The last person you want to piss off is your hair stylist.

Was this FOR REAL?! No way. So several months went by, I met a sweet girl named Marissa. I also happened to get knocked up around that time. I started going to a "Young Moms" group she started, which was God centered, I started going to her church, meeting all the wonderful people there. They were great! They are still great. All that time, something was happening to me. I went to church, had a strong desire to learn and know God.

Then, it came up that I had to go back to work. My Sundays were now gone and I started becoming more distant with the church family.

I've joined several, local, Mom groups,I've continued to interact with the abundant Christian population within my area and I'm just so tired of it.

Through social media, you learn a lot about people that you wish you just did not know. I learned my step-father, who is a born-again, that "women should keep their legs shut" if they don't want to have babies. As opposed to getting contraception, or having to bare through the shit process of abortion. I learned that the people I met through the church here think that gays are an abomination. I learned that they think ALL poor people are leeches and we shouldn't do anything to help them.

I thought you people believed in love. I thought you weren't to judge one another. I thought you embraced all people, regardless.

I have found these people to live lives completely contrary to what was written in their rule book. It's sickening.

I am good without God. And without them.

I am good knowing that I can raise my son with GOOD moral values, and I don't need a church to tell me how to do that.

We are good on our own. Holding ourselves accountable, and working through our issues.

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